Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Mighty Eagle

The mighty eagle is undoubtedly the most independent, powerful and majestic of all creation after Man! One should rate the eagle even higher than the king of the wild lands, the lion or even the biggest of all animals on land the jumbo elephant, both of which rule only in a few square miles on land, very much short of the overpowering influence of the mighty eagle, soaring into the skies. Even the giant squid which stands out as the largest of all species currently living does not have the influence, power and speed of the mighty eagle in its respective territory. Perhaps, it is because the sky signifies endless boundaries and the eagle displays its majesty during flight, well within the view of biped man.

Amazingly, the eagle - taking the American Bald Eagle as the foremost example, is a relatively small animal or bird. Measuring only up to 3 feet of body length, less than a metre, its body weight is less than 6.5 kg. However, its wing span of up to 2 1/2 metres allows it to control the skies with majestic skill, a combination of speed, power and accuracy. The average American bald eagle has a life span of 15-20 years, though in captivity as a domesticated fowl that hardly flies, it has even reached up to 30 years.

Let us see some of the physical features of the mighty eagle than makes it stand out as a majestic species which rule the skies, with hardly any equal and almost free from danger or harm by any other living species, except man of course!

Soaring abilities

Flying at a top speed of 35mph, it can soar up to 10,000 feet, using currents of warm air called 'thermals' to rise to the heavens, making it the only species that can rise up to `gaze' at the sun. Mythologically, that is how it gets its strength - from the sun. Its powerful wings and flying ability is partly attributed to the uniqueness of eagle feathers, which until today is a prized, if not prohibited collection. Each adult eagle has up to 7,000 feathers, which are light, strong and highly flexible. This skilled flyer not only can soar, but can suddenly swoop down on its prey, breaking its speed with perfect control and finesse. Such is its focus and perfection, with perfect timing, perfect precision and perfect purpose that makes it stand out as a majestic species.

Super-sharp vision

No species on earth, including man can match the vision of an eagle. At an altitude of one thousand feet, its vision covers an area of up to 3 square miles, easily spotting a rabbit on ground. It has two points of focus or foveae in the back of its eyes allowing it to see in front and to the sides simultaneously. A thin translucent membrane enables it to clear the eyes of dirt and even see through it while flying.
And of course, the eagle has colour vision, helping it to differentiate and identify the various living species and artifacts moving on the ground.

Strength in beak and talons

The eagle knows its abilities and understands its prey whether the rabbit on ground of the fish swimming under the water surface and literally takes it off the ground or water with one swoop. Like most animal species, they are `natural' in using their skills for the purpose of survival. Man can learn from this ability to use one's potential to the limits.

Finally, the eagle has wisdom combined with talent. With so much power and skill, the lack of wisdom would be fatal. Eagles can drown in the seas and they do fall into traps, ingeniously made by native Indians, who seek their feathers, while they worship the eagle for their majesty.

They have a voice too, a high pitch shrill voice, produced without vocal cords, signifying their presence and authority as they soar with their prey.

There is much we can learn from the eagle. Firstly, you must recognise the eagle in you. Awake, rise and soar into the skies today.

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Saturday, December 24, 2005


You are no chicken! Remember, you are not a chick, not a low-flying domesticated fowl but truly, truly, an eagle! Indeed, your potential is vast and well beyond your imagination, and this is no empty talk, no mere hot air, but the truth!

Just look around you! The computer you are using, the mobile in your hands, the watch strapped on your wrist, even the jeans that you are wearing! Are not all these amazing creations of mankind!? Man, which includes women, have literally a limitless potential, when it comes to the ability of the human mind to make, create and develop.

A little understanding of energy resulted in electricity and the light bulb. A little further in understanding physics and aerodynamics, and the plane and rocket were invented. A little stretch in the imagination of mass and energy, and it gave birth to the atomic bomb. Wow !! The power and brilliance of the human mind.

And, who says that everything has already been created! Rubbish!!Throw away such weak, helpless and hopeless thoughts into the bin!! Mankind is probably using a mere fraction of its intelligence, a mere touch of his ability and capability. He can truly rise up to the heavens, according to the power of God that is at work in you.

You can do more. You can do a lot more. You can rise up to achieve very much more, young man and young woman. And age is neither a limit nor a barrier. Young children have produced great creations and elderly men or women beyond the eighties can still do wonders. You can be a mayor at age 18 and a graduate at age 80 years. It is only men and women around you who limit you to what you can do, not God.

David struck down Goliath at a young tender age. He was given the trust and authority by King Saul, even though the King saw that he was too small to wear an armour. He believed in David. Moses at his ripe old age of 80 was chosen to lead a tough and difficult bunch of people into the wilderness, a trial that lasted 40 years.

Whether your age is closer to David or Moses does not matter. Today, you can turn your life around and start in the direction of either, as a David or as a Moses. What does it take to be one? You will discover that it is not the size of your biceps nor the capacity or your frontal lobes, but the hugeness of your heart, your faith in the Almighty that will take you in your journey to greatness, again not for yourself but for His Glory.

Man, you are no chicken, but truly an eagle, the finest of the species of birds that can soar to the highest level of atmosphere reachable by any living being. So, rise eagle and soar!

Today, is the day that the eagle must take off! Today is the day that you make that decision, when you realise you are not a weakling, not a common fowl, but an eagle that will rise up for the Glory of your Maker and Master!

Say it with conviction, say it with belief, say it with authority!

"I am an eagle. I will rise up and soar for God's Glory today. I will fly for His Majesty, for it is He who has given me the wings, the ability to fly and soar into the Heavens. Today, is my day. Today is the day, when this eagle will take off and soar."

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Friday, December 23, 2005


Soar, dear eagle......soar !

Bloggers out there, you can soar, you can rise, you can fly, yes! YOU CAN SOAR.......high into the skies and fly higher and higher and higher and higher !!!

Truly, truly, the sky is the limit, but so too is the price you have to pay and you can do it - pay part by part, instalment by instalment and you will grow in strength, in skill, in talent, in knowledge and in ability.

So, don't be a low flyer. Don't be a fly! Be an eagle!

The worst species of eagles to exist is the walking or crawling eagle! Have you seen how miserable a bird looks, when it has lost its ability to fly? Yet, a lot of people out there are birds capable of flying, but are crawling or tiptoeing instead.

And the tragedy is that they seem contented with their tragic state. They do not look miserable, despite their sad situation; they do not realise how miserable a state they are in and they have even become contented in their caged-in-state.

Food is served for them, without them having to go out to look for it. Their muscles shrink to a tiny strand. Their wings become brittle, even friable and can hardly flap. They die, as under -achievers, seeming to have lived a good life on earth, so their mourners say, until they are told that he was an eagle!

A true eagle, not a common fowl! Yet, all his or her life, he/she lived like a domesticated fowl, walking here and walking there, pecking here and pecking there.

You, my dear friend and believer.....are not a common domesticated fowl. You are an eagle!! How much of your capability, talent and skill has been nurtured and put to use for God's Glory? How much, really?

The story of the talents comes to mind [Matthew 25:14-30]. Keep one talent buried and one will rot and be rejected. Multiply your skills and use it to create more, and you will be truly blessed! Wake up to the realisation of your potential and rise up.

Soar, dear eagle......soar!

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Front Page

To the Master eagles and mentors who taught me to fly,

Dr Thomas Chung
Dr Chew Weng Chee
Dr Abraham Peter Tong
Bro Ting See Lok
Rev Samuel Ng
Rev Ram Babu

and fellow eagles who motivated me,

Eagle David Goh
Eagle PK Roberts

and my daughter,

Eagle Grace Sng

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