Monday, January 23, 2006

Daily Exercises

Exercising is a daily activity for the eagle. Flying, stretching, soaring, surveying with its eyes, flapping the wings, swooping with its talons, gripping with its beaks - these are the daily motions, that the eagle makes throughout its day.

The mind of man, man's wings - is likewise the same. We never go through a day without thinking, without thoughts, without using our minds to ponder, wonder and's minds churns and turns with each awakening, never still for a moment, always soaring, flying, pausing, swooping.

But, what does one's mind focus on? On what does it pause at to ponder? Do we focus on ourselves, our needs, our problems, our pleasures, our own desires all the time? Is it money, sex and power that dominate your thoughts? Where your heart is, there lies your treasure!

If our hearts and minds are focused on God, our Father, we will realise that our riches are unlimited. We have the heavens - an abundance in blessings, when we focus on the Kingdom! This is true and should be experienced by all.

The two key words are daily and exercises. The word `daily' suggests regularity and routine. The word `daily' also implies discipline and organisation. Daily activity is not necessarily boring, difficult or painful, until it is done against our will, forced upon us or truly harsh and hard.

Make your daily exercises exciting, thrilling, enjoyable and rewarding. Do what you love to do for a focused purpose! This does not mean that you do what your flesh tells you to do, nor should you allow your carnal nature to overrule your mind, because you know clearly that carnality leads to disaster and death. Many have taken that path of destruction and have never returned.

Rather, get on with the right exercises that will take you to greater heights for the Glory of God. It is not boring, not difficult or painful but truly rewarding as you give your best for a clear purpose and reason.

The example of the athlete or sportsman is the best example. He trains and trains. She trains and trains. Hours and hours of discipline effort, guided and supervised by a coach or trainer is put it over years until the day of testing comes. Olympian gold medallist standing head high gazing upwards as his national anthem is played knows very well, as thoughts raced through his mind that he is there at the top because of the years of sweat and tears put it to reach his best.

Many men and women have been on this road before. They set a target and work towards it. It is a daily adventure, a daily exercise, a daily effort over many years before the reach the peak of their ability.

Apparently, this is so for the eagle too. Not all eagles survive their first flight. Not all eagle succeed with their first swoop on their prey. There are failures and there are deaths, but the eagle who continues with its daily flight masters its skills and remain the top of the food chain until death.

You too must begin on this journey towards excellence. This is a daily test, a daily exercise, not without sweat and tears, not without agony or pain. There will be some of it. Good days and bad days. Good nights and bad nights. You learn as you go along. You mature as you age. You get better and better and you will begin to enjoy what you are doing, improve on it and become an expert in your area of work or activity.

For the believer, daily activities of major importance include the reading of God's Word, spending time in prayer and waiting upon the LORD and doing His work. Reading the Word of God, the Bible gives one the inner strength, builds up the inner person, gives wisdom, knowledge and understanding. As the Word says in Psalm One, he who meditates on God's Word will be strong and able to withstand all circumstances. God will sustain him through all situations. Prayer is a exercise in the spirit, the way we communicate with our Maker, our Father in heaven, through our daily communications with Him.

Prayer in the spirit, prayer in tongues edifies your inner man, strengthens your inner man and builds one up for the challenges that may come. Applying God's Word in your life, in loving your neighbour, feeding the poor, looking after orphans, widows and visiting the sick and ones in prison reflect the fruit of the Spirit in your life.

Further implementation of God's Word comes through your ministry as a servant of the Most High, serving Him in the many areas of ministry from pastoral care, preaching the Word, praying for the sick, praying for deliverance, healing and prayer in faith and working of miracles all for the glory of God.

Is service and work for the Kingdom tiring? Yes, it can be. Will it drain one out? Yes, it could, if you lack wisdom, as Moses himself almost got drained out judging the squabbles of the men he was leading. Is it boring, unrewarding or a waste of time? Certainly not, for when one is called to do the work, we do it for His Majesty.

Effectively, you are on His Majesty's Service and it is a great honour to serve Him, to work for Him, because we know that He is a good Master and we would not want to serve anyone else, but Him alone.

At the beginning or even along the way, there may be struggles, difficulties and problems, as Moses himself faced, taking the million or so Israelites across Sinai over forty years. But, he soldiered on, because that was his mission, his duty, his responsibility, which he faithfully did until death. At the start, it is always tough or difficult. Nevertheless, we should soldier on and on until breakthrough comes, until we see some light, until the next man comes along to take over from you. Until then, hold on and persevere through your daily routine, duties and exercises and He will see you through.

Laziness, tiredness, sleepiness and fatigue are words that you need to throw out of your vocabulary and replace it with perseverance, determination, diligence and patience. The same principles apply for the student. Whatever the examination, one is facing, one can prepare for it with months of preparation, studies and projects, culminating in success.

Tests, trials and assessments are a necessary part of monitoring to see where you are, what you have attained and the level of skill, knowledge or ability that you have arrived at.

Begin today for tomorrow's success.

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