Friday, December 23, 2005


Soar, dear eagle......soar !

Bloggers out there, you can soar, you can rise, you can fly, yes! YOU CAN SOAR.......high into the skies and fly higher and higher and higher and higher !!!

Truly, truly, the sky is the limit, but so too is the price you have to pay and you can do it - pay part by part, instalment by instalment and you will grow in strength, in skill, in talent, in knowledge and in ability.

So, don't be a low flyer. Don't be a fly! Be an eagle!

The worst species of eagles to exist is the walking or crawling eagle! Have you seen how miserable a bird looks, when it has lost its ability to fly? Yet, a lot of people out there are birds capable of flying, but are crawling or tiptoeing instead.

And the tragedy is that they seem contented with their tragic state. They do not look miserable, despite their sad situation; they do not realise how miserable a state they are in and they have even become contented in their caged-in-state.

Food is served for them, without them having to go out to look for it. Their muscles shrink to a tiny strand. Their wings become brittle, even friable and can hardly flap. They die, as under -achievers, seeming to have lived a good life on earth, so their mourners say, until they are told that he was an eagle!

A true eagle, not a common fowl! Yet, all his or her life, he/she lived like a domesticated fowl, walking here and walking there, pecking here and pecking there.

You, my dear friend and believer.....are not a common domesticated fowl. You are an eagle!! How much of your capability, talent and skill has been nurtured and put to use for God's Glory? How much, really?

The story of the talents comes to mind [Matthew 25:14-30]. Keep one talent buried and one will rot and be rejected. Multiply your skills and use it to create more, and you will be truly blessed! Wake up to the realisation of your potential and rise up.

Soar, dear eagle......soar!

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